An Infographic on the latest news and data from the UK economy to inform and support business growth strategies: If you have any comments on this infographic or would like to discuss any aspect of it please contact me at John Thompson is Managing Director and founder of Trans Capital Associates

5 effective ways to accelerate your Business Growth strategy
Recently published data confirms that the UK economy continues to grow. Here are 5 actions you can take now to make sure your business gets its share of this new growth: 1. Make sure you have a clear plan for your Business Growth strategy Whether this is a 300 page document or simply written on the inside cover […]

Growth strategy update – September 2015
In this series of articles we seek to provide a quick reference point on all the up to date news and data that impacts on SME Growth Strategy. This article follows on from recently published data from the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Growth in the UK economy […]
Growth strategy update – August 2015
In this series of articles we seek to provide a quick reference point on all the up to date news and data that impacts on SME Growth Strategy. This follows hard on the heels of recently published data from the Bank of England. Growth in the UK economy The ONS recently confirmed that GDP for […]