An Infographic on the latest news and data from the UK economy to inform and support business growth strategies: If you have any comments on this infographic or would like to discuss any aspect of it please contact me at John Thompson is Managing Director and founder of Trans Capital Associates

Growth strategy update – September 2015
In this series of articles we seek to provide a quick reference point on all the up to date news and data that impacts on SME Growth Strategy. This article follows on from recently published data from the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Growth in the UK economy […]
Growth strategy update – August 2015
In this series of articles we seek to provide a quick reference point on all the up to date news and data that impacts on SME Growth Strategy. This follows hard on the heels of recently published data from the Bank of England. Growth in the UK economy The ONS recently confirmed that GDP for […]
How is Business Finance DOWN when GDP and House prices are UP
Business Finance still falling The Bank of England’s latest Trends in Lending survey released last week shows that business funding fell by some £4.3bn in the three months to November 2013. Whilst the decline was less than in the corresponding three months in 2012 – it was still a significant drop in net lending, and […]
2014 Looking good but more SME business finance needed
In this first article of the year we review the drivers that are making 2014 look more promising for the economy and business growth generally. It seems that the majority view among UK businesses is that we are past the worst and looking forward to a better year. Nb Notwithstanding this new found confidence, […]
End of Funding for Lending – What effect on SME business finance?
It seems the Bank of England has spotted the issues regarding the potential bubble in the housing market as referred to in our article. Ironically, as I mentioned in this recent post, I think the froth in the market was starting to soften anyway. There is further evidence of this in the latest release from MasterCard […]
UK turnaround warning – decline in consumer financial wellbeing
As we have mentioned in previous blogs, the UK economy is in large part driven by consumer spending. Hence, you and I make up around 60% of our £1.4 trillion economy. And, as we are all aware, things have been going a bit better recently in terms of the UK turnaround and recovery, with us […]
Interest rates at 2.5% – what effect on UK turnaround strategy?
It’s now nearly five years since the Bank of England reduced rates to the record low of 0.5%. Many of us will be used to average rates of between 5% and 7%, and some of us will remember rates at 15%, so this will have been a historic period of in terms of monetary policy, […]
Business finance for the SME on the rise – Says Bank of England
The availability of funding to small businesses from banks and building societies is to continue to rise in the final quarter of 2013. This is according to the Bank of England’s recently published Credit Conditions Survey. Background on survey The first Credit Conditions Survey was conducted in the second quarter of 2007. The quarterly survey of […]
We are allowing lengthy rates decisions to choke UK business finances
As you will be well aware, business rates – often referred to as non-domestic rates – are a tax on businesses and other organisations that occupy commercial premises. They are an annual contribution to the cost of services provided by local authorities and the emergency services, which is based upon the rateable value of your […]